
How do I search for hotels?

How do I search for hotels by price?

Where can I find contact details of the hotel?

Where can I find location of the hotel?

Are the prices on your website per person or per room?

Is breakfast included in the price?

Can I make online booking from your website?

Can you send your best prices by email or find us a holiday to suit our group?

How can I send any comments or reviews about the hotels?

What are the check-in and check-out times of a hotel?

What's the difference between a Double room and a Twin room?

What currency will I need in Kosovo?

How do I find out if a hotel allows pets?

How can I send you any comments or suggestions about the website?



Hotelskosova.com offers different ways to reach a hotel. On main navigation there is a link to ‘’FIND HOTEL’’ page, which offers many searching options including: searching by city, by category, by combination of those both, by price, by hotel name etc.

On the homepage of hotelskosova.com on left side bar you can find hotels listed by the lowest price, grouped by city.

On the homepage there is a map of Kosova too, you can click on specific region to search for hotels which belong to that region.

On the “FIND HOTEL” page, there is a ‘’Search hotel by price’’ section. This section provides to boxes for user input, the first is the price of hotel from and the second is the hotel price to. By filling these two boxes you determine the price interval you want to search, and than click the SEARCH button.

On the hotel overview page, the left side bar contains the hotel contact information. Including the phone numbers, fax, email and if possible the hotels official website URL. There you can read the user reviews for the hotel too.

On the hotel overview page, the left side bar contains the hotel address and location too. There is a small map of the location too, you can enlarge the map by clicking on it.

It differs from hotel to hotel. Room prices are displayed on hotel overview page. There you can read the specific rooms’ description, facilities and price.

It differs from hotel to hotel. Room prices are displayed on hotel overview page. On room description part details such: is breakfast included are provided.

Yes, the hotel accommodation prices listed at www.hotelskosova.com are provided directly by the hotel.

Not for the moment, but very soon the online booking option will be added to the hotelskoosova.com website. But ‘’group bookings’’ is a special service provided by hotelskosova.com. If you are a group, you can fill the group booking form (see the bottom navigation of the website) with your group info. We will contact you the latest the next business day with at least three offers from different hotels. If you choose an hotel hotelskosova.com will book the hotel for you, without any charge.

‘’Group bookings’’ is a special service provided by hotelskosova.com. If you are a group, you can fill the group booking form (see the bottom navigation of the website) with your group info. We will contact you the latest the next business day with at least three offers from different hotels. If you choose a hotel hotelskosova.com will book the hotel for you, without any charge.

Hotel reviews are really important for hotelskosova.com users. On the hotel overview page, on the left side bar bottom, you will see the reviews link and the “add review” button, if you click on the “add review” button the review form to fill out is displayed. You can fill the form and provide your personal information or can choose to be an anonymous user. If you click the reviews link you can read reviews added by other users.

The check-in and check-out times differ from hotel to hotel. You will find them on the hotel overview page.

A double room has one double bed. A twin room has two single beds.

Euro, is the official currency in Kosova.

We advise you to check the information concerning Hotel facilities at the hotel overview page or contact hotel, you’ll find the contact details at the left side bar of the hotel overview page.

We appreciate your feedback. Please do not hesitate to send any comments or suggestions to info@hotelskosova.com or go to contact us page and fill the mail form.


Hotels by cities